Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Sorry about the sudden influx of updates. I always update my Tumblr blog first, and forget about this one. But I'm going to make a schedule to fix that!

Feel free to follow or keep tabs on this one too: http://writer-blood.tumblr.com

NaNoWriMo Day 4 and 5- Complete!

As I posted previously on my other blog, I didn't do Nano yesterday. I just couldn't bring myself to write. I was in a slump. So I told myself I would write double today, and guess what? I did!

It was amazing too. I had so much fun getting into my character's head. And I forced myself to end at a climatic moment, and I know it'll bug me all day to write more. But I'll wait. I have other things that need my attention.

That was a big, refreshing breath to get it done. I'm in bliss, and I'm hungry. Perhaps food would suit the occasion, considering I skipped dinner to write.

Happy NaNoing, guys.

Monday Slumps

Pressuring on!
I’m so unbearably tired today. But I have to edit a scene from my creative writing homework tonight, and work on my Nano. I have no motivation to do so. A pounding headache is blinding me, my fingers don’t want to type. 

But…I’m going to do it. 
*drags self away from the internet* 

The sooner I finish, the sooner I can jump back into my book. I’m re-readingThe Picture of Dorian Gray. (I bought it on sale for $2. ) 

Saturday Morning

I went to a few yard sales after an early breakfast this morning. (A bagel and fresh coffee enticed me.) Unfortunately, I couldn't find any books that suited my taste. I did, however, find a nice cookbook and Scrabble that I bought for $1 combined.

My real problem as a book junkie began when I went to the mall. I stopped in our bookshop to pick up two books that I needed for class, but ended up spending almost 2 hours browsing through the selections. If I didn't have people accompanying me, I would have gladly stayed longer.

NaNoWriMo Day 3- Complete!

I wrote only a little over 1667, but believe me when I say I procrastinated. I've been out all day, busy running errands, doing homework in between, so when I finally returned home, I had to will myself to write those couple of pages. I waited, and waited, and waited. The clock mocked me continuously. The ugly blue LED numbers flashed from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, I was running out of time. Then half way through 8 I forced myself to start typing.

My eyes got heavy and I began to doze off (I'm not used to waking up at 6am), but I pressed on because I was determined to finish. And I did! I felt so successful.

Congratulations to myself for that. Those three "fun-sized" candy bars were worth eating now.

NaNoWriMo Day 2- Complete!

Not as many words as I thought I would have, but I was out all day so I had to split my writing into parts. One in the afternoon and one later in the night. But, I did it! 3,500 words. 166 more words than I thought I would have at this point. I'm aiming for a little more tomorrow, only because I have a lot I need to write in one sitting. I have classwork and other obligations coming up.

But just seeing the little word count widget at the top of my account makes me so excited. And I can't wait to see if I'll actually finish like I said I would.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

First day of NaNoWriMo- Complete!

Just finished up my first day of NaNoWriMo! Wrote 1,740 words today! 

And wow, what an experience. I didn’t think I could start. I continuously doubted myself until this morning. But, once I begin writing, I honestly forgot all about that silly hesitation and realized I was having fun! 
Feel free to add me: http://www.nanowrimo.org/en/participants/aro

Happy Nanoing!