Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Sorry about the sudden influx of updates. I always update my Tumblr blog first, and forget about this one. But I'm going to make a schedule to fix that!

Feel free to follow or keep tabs on this one too: http://writer-blood.tumblr.com

NaNoWriMo Day 4 and 5- Complete!

As I posted previously on my other blog, I didn't do Nano yesterday. I just couldn't bring myself to write. I was in a slump. So I told myself I would write double today, and guess what? I did!

It was amazing too. I had so much fun getting into my character's head. And I forced myself to end at a climatic moment, and I know it'll bug me all day to write more. But I'll wait. I have other things that need my attention.

That was a big, refreshing breath to get it done. I'm in bliss, and I'm hungry. Perhaps food would suit the occasion, considering I skipped dinner to write.

Happy NaNoing, guys.

Monday Slumps

Pressuring on!
I’m so unbearably tired today. But I have to edit a scene from my creative writing homework tonight, and work on my Nano. I have no motivation to do so. A pounding headache is blinding me, my fingers don’t want to type. 

But…I’m going to do it. 
*drags self away from the internet* 

The sooner I finish, the sooner I can jump back into my book. I’m re-readingThe Picture of Dorian Gray. (I bought it on sale for $2. ) 

Saturday Morning

I went to a few yard sales after an early breakfast this morning. (A bagel and fresh coffee enticed me.) Unfortunately, I couldn't find any books that suited my taste. I did, however, find a nice cookbook and Scrabble that I bought for $1 combined.

My real problem as a book junkie began when I went to the mall. I stopped in our bookshop to pick up two books that I needed for class, but ended up spending almost 2 hours browsing through the selections. If I didn't have people accompanying me, I would have gladly stayed longer.

NaNoWriMo Day 3- Complete!

I wrote only a little over 1667, but believe me when I say I procrastinated. I've been out all day, busy running errands, doing homework in between, so when I finally returned home, I had to will myself to write those couple of pages. I waited, and waited, and waited. The clock mocked me continuously. The ugly blue LED numbers flashed from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, I was running out of time. Then half way through 8 I forced myself to start typing.

My eyes got heavy and I began to doze off (I'm not used to waking up at 6am), but I pressed on because I was determined to finish. And I did! I felt so successful.

Congratulations to myself for that. Those three "fun-sized" candy bars were worth eating now.

NaNoWriMo Day 2- Complete!

Not as many words as I thought I would have, but I was out all day so I had to split my writing into parts. One in the afternoon and one later in the night. But, I did it! 3,500 words. 166 more words than I thought I would have at this point. I'm aiming for a little more tomorrow, only because I have a lot I need to write in one sitting. I have classwork and other obligations coming up.

But just seeing the little word count widget at the top of my account makes me so excited. And I can't wait to see if I'll actually finish like I said I would.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

First day of NaNoWriMo- Complete!

Just finished up my first day of NaNoWriMo! Wrote 1,740 words today! 

And wow, what an experience. I didn’t think I could start. I continuously doubted myself until this morning. But, once I begin writing, I honestly forgot all about that silly hesitation and realized I was having fun! 
Feel free to add me: http://www.nanowrimo.org/en/participants/aro

Happy Nanoing!  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Chasing Down UPS

These are two of the other books I had to literally chase down UPS to get. I’m excited to have my leatherbound copy of The Arabian Nights

The artwork on the cover and on the inside is breathtakingly beautiful! The other, Writing the Paranormal Novel, is actually larger than I though it’d be. It has some informative advice from what I scanned over so far. Can’t wait to read both of the them though. *squirms in seat*  

NanoWriMo [30 Day Meme] Day 2

Day 2 - What’s the title of your story?  Why did you choose the name you did?

The working title I chose for now is, The Prince’s Secret. Cheesy, I know. But I’m horribly indecisive when it comes to things like this, and I’m certain it’ll be changed before the week is up. (Maybe.) 

As for my reasoning behind it? Well...Actually, I had no idea what I wanted to call it and simply chose to name the obvious. There’s a prince and he has a secret. I’m so bland, and I know. xD;; 

This is cover design I'm using for on NaNo for the time being. 


If anyone wants to add me on the NaNoWriMo site, you can find me here! 


I can’t decide what genre I want my novel to be. I started out wanting to make it YA. It has young adults in it, fantasy…But for the sequel I want to continue with has some not-so-YA things in it. I can’t just abruptly change genres, can I? No, I can’t. 

Nothing Better Than Book in the Mail

Look what else came in the mail today! After reading some good reviews about it, I wanted to read it myself. My mindset in stuck in the medieval era, and after reading The False Prince, I was craving more.

Getting my Stuff Together!

Gathering my hoard of writing supplies for next month! I’m going to greedily indulge myself in advice books for a while. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


So, I suppose to start myself off…I should really comply a checklist.

  • Register
  • Familiarize self with rules
  • Take notes on basic outline and key elements of story
  • Relearn my characters
  • Complete research
  • More research
  • Find a good place to work, and tell my family 
  • Comply playlist
  • Gather writing utensils (Macbook, pens, notebook, hightlighters)
  • Make a schedule for school and work

    So much to do in two weeks time! 


NaNoWriMo << 30 Day Meme >> Day 1

Day 1 - Have you participated in NaNoWriMo before?  If so, which years and what end result?  If not (or even if so, for that matter), what’s your connection to writing?  Why do you want to participate this year?

Truthfully, this is my first year actually participating in NaNoWriMo. I’ve lingered around last year, just to get the feel of things, but this year I’m really determined to give it a try. As a kid, I always enjoyed indulging myself in books, loosing myself in their stories but the only interest I had in writing was with poetry. My mother used to read me the silliest books and poetry when I was younger, and it always inspired me. I would act out the scenes for fun, or make dances I could throw myself around to when I recited my favorites. However, my interest in actual writing only began when I was in middle school (what was that six years ago? Aha. ). I wrote short stories, fanfictions and even met my best friend though online role-playing.

I want to participate this year just to see if I can do it and for the fun of it! Who knows, I might enjoy it.

Meme Source




The time is very near, I can feel the pressure of NanoWriMo creeping up on me like a sneaky cold. (Which I hope I don’t contract anytime soon. *knocks on wood*) I have a ton and a half of things to do in these short two weeks that I’ve only now just decided to get around to.

Just thought I’d share a few quick facts about myself before I begin bombarding my blog with repost, follows, and my natural jabber.

  • My name's Ashley, but I go by Aro!
  • I’m 19, going on 10.
  • I’m currently majoring in creative writing, even though I have absolutely no idea why.
  • This is my first year participating in NaNoWriMo! 
  • I live at the beach with my fat cat, Rayne.
  • I’m completely and entirely scattered brained, and tend to ramble.
  • I’m friendly, and love to talk, and meet people. (Don’t be afraid to say “hi!” ) 
  • You can follow me on Tumblr too! @http://writer-blood.tumblr.com/